11. Monitor and Adjust


Achieving financial freedom is not a one-time event but a journey that requires consistent attention and adjustment. As your life circumstances, financial situation, and goals change over time, so too should your financial plan. This chapter will provide simple and practical ways to monitor and adjust your financial strategies without overwhelming you with information.

Why Monitoring & Adjustments

Regular monitoring allows you to track the progress towards your financial goals and make course corrections as needed.

Strategies for Monitoring and Adjusting

1. Regular Financial Check-ups to Monitor Goal Progress

Check your progress towards each goal: Short term and long term. If you’re off track, make necessary adjustments as needed.


  • Regular Reviews: Schedule regular reviews of your Finances & financial plan. This could be monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, depending on your preference and the complexity of your finances. If you’re off track, consider what adjustments might help you get back on track.
  • Performance Metrics: Use clear metrics to assess your progress, such as changes in net worth, savings rate, debt levels, or investment performance.
  • Assessment Areas: Review your budget, savings, investments, debt, and insurance coverage.
  • Adjustment Actions (Fine Tuning your Strategy): Identify any flaws, gaps or deviations in your strategy and tweak/address it. Rework your budget, adjust your savings rate, rebalance your portfolio, or update your insurance coverage as needed.

2. Financial Goals Review/Life Changes

Your financial goals can change over time, and it’s important to ensure your financial plan reflects your current goals. Are you still aiming for the same things, or have your life changes affected your financial aspirations? These reviews could be triggered by Life/Financial changes or if you feel that it’s time to tweak/change your life goals.


  • Goal Changes: Reflect on your goals and consider if they have changed. Are you still aiming for the same things, or have your life changes affected your financial aspirations?
  • Life Changes: Significant life events such as marriage, having children, changing jobs, or retiring should prompt a review and potential adjustment of your financial plan.
  • Financial Changes: Changes in your financial situation, such as receiving a large windfall, experiencing a significant financial loss, or changes in income, can also necessitate adjustments.
  • Professional Financial Advice: Sometimes, the changes in your life or finances might require professional advice. A financial advisor can provide personalized strategies and help navigate complex financial decisions.


By staying in tune with your financial health and adapting to life’s changes, you can ensure your financial strategies remain aligned with your goals. Remember, financial planning is not a set-and-forget activity. It is a dynamic process that evolves with you, helping you navigate your path to financial freedom.


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