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  • Planned Obsolescence Will Kill Us All

    updated 1 year ago 1 Member · 1 Post
  • freeman

    October 1, 2023 at 11:05 pm

    Critique of Planned Obsolescence

    Planned obsolescence refers to the intentional design of products with limited lifespans, encouraging consumers to purchase replacements more frequently. This practice has significant implications on our consumption habits, our relationship with objects, and the environment. Historical examples like the Phoebus Cartel’s manipulation of lightbulb lifespans and Apple’s frequent release of slightly upgraded models illustrate the prevalence of this strategy. While it drives continual consumer spending, it also undermines the value of existing products, fosters a culture of disposability, and contributes substantially to electronic waste.

    Its Impact on Financial Freedom

    The cycle of constantly buying new products due to planned obsolescence directly affects financial freedom. Consumers spend more money replacing items instead of investing or saving, which can hinder long-term financial stability. Additionally, the culture of frequent replacement devalues the concept of ownership and longevity in products, leading to a continuous outflow of cash for unnecessary upgrades. By contrast, repairing and maintaining items can save significant money over time, promoting a more sustainable financial approach.

    Connection to Reclaim Your Life

    Reclaim Your Life emphasizes breaking free from societal norms that trap individuals in cycles of unnecessary consumption and financial dependency. Planned obsolescence is a prime example of a systemic issue that contradicts the principles of financial freedom and mindful living. By encouraging practices like repairing, reusing, and recycling, individuals can foster a deeper connection to their possessions, reduce waste, and gain more control over their finances. This aligns with the goals of Reclaim Your Life, which advocates for a conscious approach to consumption and personal finance.

    Discussion Prompts for the Forum

    1. Personal Experiences:
      • Have you ever felt pressured to buy a new product because the old one was deliberately made to be obsolete? Share your experiences and how you dealt with them.
    2. Repair vs. Replace:
      • Discuss the benefits and challenges of repairing versus replacing products. What strategies have you found effective in extending the lifespan of your possessions?
    3. Environmental Impact:
      • How does planned obsolescence contribute to environmental degradation? What can individuals and communities do to combat this issue?
    4. Economic Alternatives:
      • Explore the concept of a circular economy. How feasible is it to implement reuse, repair, and recycling on a broader scale? What role can individuals play in promoting these practices?
    5. Capitalism and Consumption:
      • Do you agree that planned obsolescence is a fundamental aspect of capitalism? Why or why not? Discuss alternative economic systems that could reduce or eliminate the need for planned obsolescence.

    By addressing these prompts, forum members can engage in meaningful discussions about the impact of planned obsolescence on financial freedom and explore ways to align their consumption habits with the principles of Reclaim Your Life.

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