This is the take on the world from the point of view of a “fictitious harmless human being – Freeman“, whose only agenda is to just live the best life (happy, peaceful and with least amount of struggles) for himself and allow the same for all his fellow human beings.
I don’t know how it feels to others, but sorry I can’t help but end up calling human beings as Idiots because you yourself are your own worst enemies – by subscribing to the human idiocies and misguided narratives from your childhood or other acquired narratives and worldviews, you are preventing humanity to evolve into a higher consciousness and preventing society from enjoying a thriving life on this beautiful and abundant planet.
It’s not about preaching or forcing ideas, it’s about how to make the best use of a lifetime that is bestowed to us by this universe and supporting others to do the same.
This is the perspective of a person who does not have any evil, world domination, amassing resources, becoming a millionaire, billionaire kind of ill or idiotic agendas, personal greed or selfish interest in making life worse on this planet, for his own personal idiotic agendas or any other human idiocies.
“Freeman”, with his subtle but firm rejection of the “idiotic agendas” cluttering the world, is distancing himself from the chaos, manipulation and selfishness that a vast majority of this society is fed up with.
In his pursuit of clarity and authenticity, Freeman gathers all his commentaries under two revealing umbrellas:
- Human Idiocies: spotlighting our collective missteps
- Fundamental Truths: highlighting the essential principles for a meaningful life