4. Can we do Anything about it?
4. Can we do Anything about it?
Welcome to the Forum for “Can we do Anything about it?”
Summary of Chapter 4
This chapter tackles a pressing question: Can we truly change the entrenched systems of inequality and exploitation that shape our world? Building on previous discussions, it explores whether change is achievable and examines the pathways that could lead to a more equitable society. From individual action to systemic reform, grassroots movements to alternative models of living, the chapter evaluates how individuals and societies can work together to challenge the global “pyramid scheme” of wealth and power.
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- Explore the full chapter on the Online Book: 4. Can We Do Anything About it? (Online Book)
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- Continue to the next Forum: 5. Make the Most of it Here – A Two-Phase Approach (Forum)
Any and all wisdom distilled from all the discussions will be assimilated into the “Online Book” The Only Problem Humanity Needs to Solve, located here:
The Only Problem Humanity Needs to Solve
So, come and join the conversation and help us decode The Only Problem Humanity Needs to Solve!
I recently came across this video
Why Oligarchy Falls (And How to Speed It Up) – YouTube
It’s an absolute gem. It beautifully outlines the current state of the world, highlighting the dominance of capitalists and oligarchs, while also presenting a big-picture view of how we might tackle these issues.
Interestingly, the approach taken in the video aligns closely with my perspective on this topic and the utopian solutions I’m exploring in my book. It’s amazing to see such thoughtful insights being shared—definitely worth watching for anyone interested in envisioning a better, freer future! Would love to hear your thoughts on it.