The Why
Tired of seeing human beings still living/fighting like stray dogs – screaming, killing and competing for survival just because nobody can stop and decide to work together for everybody’s wellbeing.
Sometimes I feel that Humanity and in general, this Creation is a lost cause → there is nothing to be fixed in it as it seems to emerge out in the universe on autopilot and there is nothing, we can do to manage its course maybe. But we still seem to be trying to control portions of it in some crude ways using some of the other political systems, economics, cultures etc.
But we/they are doing a shit show of it, if I’m to judge how it has turned out till now in the world. Why do I say that?
Don’t know why, but I feel that we are just managing to survive, except for the 1 or 2% with their might is right motto and approach, the ones who have managed to hoard and grab the maximum amount of resources/money/means of production. They seem to be free, but the rest are still on slave survival mode (since the beginning of civilization), because the rest 98 to 99% do not have the resources of the earth anymore and have become automatically dependent on the 1%ers for their survival- that is not a good state of affairs, at-least to my mind.
So, what’s the way out → some sort of agreement (from the humanity as a whole) about what this Human life should be about on this earth for us Human beings and a mechanism to control it in a planned way, rather than leave it to the forces of nature (human emotions and urges), supply demand economics, democracy etc.
“Gurus”, “Experts”, “Geniuses” and such around the world keep on philosophizing about this system and that system and looking at examples around the world that are more or less defunct and they keep on arguing about them for hours on end to no agreement at all. Instead of doing that why don’t a group of countries or people sit together for a year or more in the form of some kind of think tank or something, specifically to figure out the best possible way for Human beings to live and spend their lifetimes. At the end of the day, enough enlightened people should all agree on some framework, and agree to collectively implement it. The focus I feel should be to elevate the consciousness of each one living in the society so that they all can agree to disagree in a civilized way and find out solutions to problems in a short time span rather than letting problems run for centuries and centuries and letting the forces of nature decide their trajectories. Just take the bull by the horns and solve the issue and move on.
Wishful thinking, right? I’m pretty sure that the reptilian mind in us will keep on trying to one up each other and no-one is ready to ever brainstorm and agree on anything anytime soon. So, why don’t we do it here on ReclaimUrLife.com and see how far we can take it?
Possible Steps:
- If nothing, save yourselves first by becoming Financially Independent.
- Next, decide to go for the good stuff -> Imagining a Financially Free Society.
- Then create it in mind.
- Then create it on paper/online.
- Then create it in the world on a small scale, maybe in the form of Ecovillages or something.
- Then scale it up for Humanity (i.e., if society wants it, if not let Humanity keep on screwing themselves up in ignorance till, they drive themselves into oblivion).
In order to first look at this topic wholistically from a high level and to understand the lay of the land, I’m taking the path of approaching this question from the point of view of the Human Condition. Meaning why are we the way we are and how can we possibly tackle some of our issues using that understanding of the Human Psychology, that has driven human evolution up to this point.
Keeping that approach in mind, below are the Chapters that I have come up with.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Is Creation a Meaningless Autopilot Thing?
Chapter 2: Trying to Make Sense of How Evolution Happened
Chapter 3: Human Idiocies – and The Resulting Pyramid Scheme
Chapter 4: Can we do Anything about it?
Chapter 5: Make the Most of it Here – A Two-Phase Approach
Chapter 6: Phase I: Achieve Financial Freedom
Chapter 7: Phase II: Imagining a Financially Free Society
Chapter 8: Parting Words
Each of these Chapters will be discussed in detail in their own separate Posts.
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