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  • Can AI Become Self-Aware – Eckhart Tolle

  • freeman

    May 30, 2024 at 12:42 am

    Eckart Tolle in this video ponders about the possibility of machines, created by humans with far superior thinking capabilities than humans, becoming self-aware and developing consciousness.

    This idea leads to the question: can consciousness exist independently of a biological substrate, or is it a byproduct of the physical brain?

    Using the analogy of a radio receiver, he proposes that the brain acts as a conduit for consciousness, but it does not produce consciousness itself. He encourages to consider this perspective and form our own beliefs on the matter.

    There is the potential of machines achieving such complexity that they might become vehicles for consciousness. To achieve this level of sophistication, machines would need to surpass the complexity of the human brain, which is still far beyond our current technology’s capabilities. But he acknowledges the vast possibilities of the universe and suggests that a symbiosis between biological and non-biological elements might lead to the creation of a semi-biological computer capable of receiving consciousness.

    The speaker creates a space of presence, emphasizing that there is nobody in particular, just points of presence, manifestations of the one consciousness as little points of light. These points of light may momentarily mistake themselves as individual persons, flickering, and then disappearing, only to reappear. The audience is encouraged to recognize the light of consciousness within themselves.

    Overall, the talk explores profound questions about consciousness, the potential of machines, and the interconnectedness of all life.

    However, Tolle warns that this discussion can quickly lead to science fiction, and it is uncertain whether machines could ever truly become self-aware. The mix of humor, thought-provoking ideas, and spiritual contemplation leaves the audience with a sense of wonder and appreciation for the mysteries of existence.

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