Elevate Human Consciousness to the next level (whatever that means)!
Bring it to greater than 30% or whatever the threshold is for triggering systemic/societal change.
Making Children aware of this intention from the very beginning of their lives
Kids should be educated from the beginning about how the system traps them for life with debt, and other things. It’s harder to get out of it if you get deeper and deeper into it.
Normalize questioning the generally accepted norms (if they are blatantly wrong)
Get ok with questioning how things are – if things are not (or do not seem) right. I’m challenging any of those oligarchs to counter that and tell me that things are cool currently and that this how things should be. If so, then why can’t common folks have time, location and financial freedom and do what they really want to do in life? Can they deny that there is income inequality – and that too unacceptable levels of it. And mind it, that inequality is not due to lack of hard work or anything, but due to the corporate structure allowing a few people to hoard all the resources of the earth. This should not be acceptable anymore. The resources of the world belong equally to everyone. I’d say you cannot fool all of the people all of the time (or can you – due to Human Idiocy?)